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Guest Post Guidelines – submit a guest post

Would you like to write for Temi’s blog? Awesome! We would love to share you article with our readers. We receive a lot of enquiries from potential guest contributors. We will be able to feature your article on our website, if you follow our editorial guidelines.


Topics We Are Looking For

  1. Social media marketing
  2. Search engine marketing and optimisation
  3. Web hosting and domain name registration
  4. Video creation and marketing
  5. App and mobile marketing
  6. Social Media/Influencer Marketing
  7. Voice search
  8. Apps and web programming
  9. Small business development
  10. Infographics on any of the above or related topic


Guidelines for guest post contributors

  • Tell a story – Every good story starts with an introduction, the body of the story and a summary of what the story is about. Some call it introduction, content and conclusion.
  • Stay on topic – Narrow the topic you want to write about, and stay focused on it. Rambling and meandering text will lose your readers. . Stay focused on what you are writing about. Pepper your article with useful know-how, tips, techniques that can help your readers.
  • Write in the third or first person – We are pretty relaxed about the voice used in your article. You can write as yourself or in the third person. We just ask that you are consistent; use one voice through your article.
  • Authoritative evidence – It is okay to claim that product A, is better than product B. You must however corroborate your claim, with evidence from a respected third party. Your personal anecdotal evidence is no good enough.
  • Link to at least one article on Temi’s blog – There are hundreds of articles in Temi’s blog. Find the right keyword/anchor text in your article and link to at least one of the articles.
  • 1,000 words or more – What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. While we want your article to be concise and focused, it needs to be at least 1,000 words or more to stand a chance of being featured on Temi’s blog.
  • Images & videos – We give higher priority to articles illustrated with images, pictures or videos. Articles with unique custom images do particularly well in our blog.
  • Links to at least 1-2 authority resources
  • Exclusivity – The article you submit to us must be unique, not previously published online and must be new. It should not be rehash of articles previously published elsewhere.
  • Author’s bio – Naturally, we give credit where it’s due. Please include brief information about you, including a link to your site or social media profile. Only one link may be included in this section of your article.
  • Comment on posts – We expect authors to respond to comments left on their article by readers

Editing posts after publishing

Please ensure your article is proofread, you links and anchor texts are pointing where you want them to point, before submitting an article. If you want an article edited after publishing, there is a small admin charge of £20.

Guest post not for you?

You can submit a content as sponsored post. There is an admin fee of £65 for sponsored posts.

We look forward to publishing your article on Temi’s blog. If you have any question about this guidelines, please contact us.