It is the third month of the year, and here is my monthly roundup of the best articles in SEO and internet marketing niche for the month of March, 2015.
If you think that I missed something, then you can get in touch via this form or by using my Twitter account.
“3 Signs Your SEO Campaign Is Dying – and How to Fix It” – Jayson DeMers for Search Engine Watch. Personally, I feel that SEO is dying at the moment. It is more and more difficult to rank your site in Google in post Panda & Penguin period. But it does not mean that you should stop working on your site promotion. It just means that some techniques are not working today when others still have a very big impact on rankings.
In this article, the author mentioned 3 signs, very important to him, that can show your SEO campaign is dying. Here are they:
- A Sharp Drop in Organic Traffic
- Stagnant Growth or Decline for More Than Two Months
- A Sharp Drop in Keyword Rankings
- Tracking Down the Culprit
- Over-Optimized Content
- Poor Link-Building Strategy
- Bad or Missing Reviews
- Missing Peripheral Elements
“The Complete Guide to Blog SEO” by Ryan Stewart at Webris blog. This is a very interesting article I have recently read on website. It is true that today you may find many different posts in the topic similar to this one. But it does not mean they all are very high quality. It is not easy to drive targeted visitors to your new blog post. That is why Ryan has decided to put together his SEO guide to show his visitors exactly hot he is doing it.
This is a very long post that you will want to read for yourself. You can do this by clicking the link above. Here are some very interesting insights from the Ryan’s article:
- Define your audience.
- Create epic posts.
- Stop Selling, Start Giving.
- Update consistently.
- Find your voice.
- Finding keywords.
- Flushing out keywords.
- Analyzing the competition.
- Filter your keywords.
- Using your keywords.
- Semantic HTML markups.
- Make the most of images.
“5 Subtle Changes That Directly Impact Your Search Rankings” by Rohan Ayyar for Search Engine Journal. In this post, the author shares his 5 changes that will directly impact your rankings.
- You Don’t Have Responsive Design Yet. Design is one of the most important things not only for search rankings but also for high conversion rate. It is not a big surprise that most potential buyers will leave your site if it does not have a very clear navigation and design.
- What People Think About You Matters. If you are selling some services, you must think about your reviews. It is very obvious that people trust the reviews and, if you do not have positive reviews in competitive niche, it means that your business is losing potential revenue.
- Amplify Social Media Signals. For some big brands, social media channels bring even more traffic and, more importantly, more leads. Researchers say that it is easier for your business visitors to communicate with you via social media networks like Facebook or Twitter because almost everyone has an account there.
- HTTPS & Security Features. Security issues is very important today, too, because, as you know; some time ago Google made HTTPS as one of their ranking factor. But it seems that this factor has a very low impact on rankings today.
- A Picture That Sells a Thousand Words. Pictures today play a big role for each website. Almost everyone is adding at least few pictures to every post they have written. You should not forget about image optimization tips as well.
“25 Smart Ways To Increase Your Blog Comments” – by Neil Patel. Blog commenting is a very interesting way of blog posts promotion. Very often, when you read some post and see that it has many comments; you may think that this blog is very powerful. However, in most cases; it means that the author of the post worked hard on its promotion to drive more targeted visitors and to encourage them to leave a comment.
This post of Neil’s contains 25 very good ways to attract more comments to your blog and I will not be listing them all here. You can read them on the original post.
One of the ways the author is recommending is to mention some expert/influencer. It is something similar to the roundups that I write. If you can mention some person in your blog post and then inform him about this, very often he will share your post on his social accounts and may add a comment.
“Non-Linking URLs Seen As Links” by AJ Kohn on BlidFiveYearOld website. In this post, the author explains how Google treats non linking URLs as links. Some time ago on Moz this post appeared that told how citations impact your search rankings. Non-linking URLs is almost the same. But now AJ officially confirmed that by showing a screen from Google Webmaster tools and a screen of the donor where Non-linking URL is.
“How Google and Twitter are Taking Social Media Marketing to the Next Level” at Fannit blog. I’m sure that social media has a very bright future instead of SEO and organic traffic. Today, after publishing new content, top social media influencers very often receive a lot of views from social media and email marketing campaigns. Once the post is live, they just promote a link on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and many of their followers will know that the new post from their friend is live. It is much quicker than promoting that post in search engines. At the same time, however, after post sharing on social networks, it will very often be republished on other websites and you will increase your search rankings, too.
“9 Reasons Why Google Changed Your Title Tag” by Barb Dittert on v9SEO blog. Title tag is very important if you want to get more views. People and bloggers spend some time by thinking of a good title for their posts to grab more attention. In some cases, though, Google may change your title tag and displays it in a different way in the search results.
Here are 9 reasons why it may happen:
- You forgot to set a title.
- Google wants to provide an optimal user experience.
- Google is trying to increase your click-through rate.
- Your Title Tag is too long.
- Your Title Tag is too generic.
- You have duplicate Title Tags.
- Your Title Tag doesn’t relate to the user’s query.
- Google branded your Title Tag.
- Google News Is guessing what your headline is.
“Capture Lost Revenue – How To Model Your Website’s Funnel” by Dane Schneider at Smooth Conversion site.
Tip 1: Get organized – Model your funnel In Excel
Tip 2: How do you measure up? – Find industry benchmarks
Tip 3: What’s going wrong? – Examine your user experience
Tip 4: What’s achievable? – Realistic goals and estimating difficulty
Tip 5: Plan of attack – Find the low hanging fruit (and beyond)
There you have the best posts, in my opinion, during the month of March 2015. I hope you liked them, too 🙂 Please share your comments below or contact me via this form or via my Twitter account.
I just read the complete blog guide to seo by ryan stewart and loved it. I think it was a great example of an epic post and I picked up a few things from it. I’m happy to see it recognized by others. It’s been a huge shift from hiding and protecting content to giving it away for free. I like the change.